Hewland DG300 Gearbox

/ / 83

Private Message
Advert #33143

Cedar Hill, TX 75104
This unit is in very good condition, it was rebuilt 2 years ago and has never been used since the rebuild.
9-31 Crown wheel & Pinion Ratios in box: 18-31,20-36,23-33,25-30,29-27
Hewland p/n FT255 fulcrum and release bearing
Hydlraulic release bearing and adapter
Snout tube for fulcrum release bearing setup
Asking $7,000
Mark Winkelman
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Selling Price $7000
Sellers Phone # 253-666-4654
Sellers Email winkelracing@gmail.com
distance: Unknown
Address Cedar Hill, TX 75104

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