Cosworth BDG 2.0L Engine

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Advert #28366

United States, Washington, Bellingham
This Ford-Cosworth BDG 2.0-liter inline-four was rebuilt last year after being removed from my 1971 Chevron B19 race car. First assembled in 2016 by S. Jennings Racing, this engine was again rebuilt in 2017, including new pistons, springs, valves, and more. It has not yet been installed in a car, though an engine dynamometer result showed 295 horsepower and 188 lb-ft of torque. This injected Ford-Cosworth BDG engine is mounted on an engine stand and in a metal shipping crate.
Asking $10,000
Rich Aguara
Bellingham, WA 98225
Selling Price 10000
Sellers Phone # 3603587245
Sellers Email
distance: Unknown
Address United States, Washington, Bellingham

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