Quaife 60G sequential dog gearbox

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6 speed dog change, sequential gearbox.
Removed from  a race car and used with a Vauxhall XE engine. Faultless performance always and covered aproximately 500 km in total, re freshed and checked about 1 year ago and only covered 70 km since. (Owner retired from racing)
The gearbox comes with a Geartronics flat shift system and integral gear position indicator, all in working condition.
Ratios: 1st – 2.240, 2nd – 1.694, 3rd – 1.333, 4th – 1.150, 5th 1, 6th – 0.889.
These 60G boxes were designed to fit in place of the Ford Type 9 gearbox – well suited to Escorts, Caterham, Westfield etc. Weight 38kg
Selling Price 3400
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